Why AI Written Content Needs To Be Matured


Artificial intelligence is everywhere. It’s in the news, it’s on our phones, and it’s even writing some of the content on your website. However, AI isn’t a replacement for all human-generated written content. While machines can be trained to meet certain parameters for specific industries or topics, they lack context and cultural awareness—something that only humans possess.

But lets back up a moment and consider the fact that you may need some of the best copywriting examples out there to get started.

AI is not human

AI is not human. It cannot think like a human and it cannot understand context and meaning, which makes it difficult to write with emotion or in different styles and tones, with empathy for your audience.

Manual editing is still needed

AI is not a replacement for human writers. It’s a tool that can be used to create high-quality written content, but it still needs to be trained on a specific topic and edited by humans.

AI-written content should be used as an addition to your existing strategy and not as a primary source of content creation or distribution.

AI tools lack context and cultural awareness

AI tools do not understand context and cultural awareness. They are not capable of understanding the human condition, which is why it’s important that you as a writer understand how to use AI tools effectively in your writing process.

AI tools lack context because they don’t know what they’re reading or where they are reading it, which means they can’t make connections between ideas or words within sentences or paragraphs. For example: “I love my dog” vs “I hate dogs” vs “My dog died today.” These three sentences have different meanings depending on where they’re placed in a story; however, an AI tool would only see them as random words with no connection whatsoever–so if this were all you had written about yourself (and your relationship with dogs), then any reader would likely get confused by what exactly happened here!

AI written content will only replace manual writing when it becomes truly human.

AI written content is not human.

AI is not creative, emotional or empathetic. It doesn’t understand the nuances of language and meaning like a human does. While AI can be trained to write in a certain style, it still doesn’t understand why you want your audience to feel a certain way when they read your content – which means it won’t be able to create compelling stories with real-life characters or situations that will resonate with readers on an emotional level.

AI isn’t a good listener either: The more we talk about AI being used for writing purposes (and especially journalism), the more likely we are to forget that computers don’t understand language like humans do – even though there’s so much potential for them too!


AI-written content is a great tool for writers and marketers, but it’s not perfect. AI tools still lack the context and cultural awareness needed to create truly human content. Until AI is able to produce text in the same way that humans do–with nuance, emotionality, and creativity–it will only be able to supplement manual writing rather than replace it entirely. But start where you need to start and that is by looking at the best copywriting examples online.


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